Sunday, December 7, 2008

It has been a while

I haven't been keeping up with the blog very well, but here is a quick update for the last couple months.
Jer and Jesi, both made the Jr. High 7th grade basketball teams. Neither one of them have ever played before so we were surprised and excited for them! They are both on C teams, but like I said they haven't every played organized ball before, so we think it is great! Most importantly, they are having a blast even with 5:30 am practicing!
Coy boy is in the school choir. He hasn't liked doing things like this in the past, but he wanted to try it and is really liking it.
KK and Nanna are just finishing up soccer season. Ike pushed the season back a little, but the weather is still beautiful and they love playing. They are on the same team which is so fun and great for scheduling. Caleb has made a lot of progress this year and is really into every game. The past couple of years he hardly knew where the ball was, but he is really focusing this year. Nanna just loves to run around and kick the ball.
Chad and I are doing great! Chad has recovered from his stress fracture and is back running up to six miles. The stinker is getting fast, too. If I don't start to pick up the pace, I'm going to be the third fastest in the family, behind Jeremy and Chad. (Jer runs about a 7 minute mile right now.)
When I'm not running erans or doing chores, I'm usually at the school. I volunteer a little three days a week and then I'm on the PTA Board at the Jr. High. I really like being more involved and getting to know people. With all the kids in school I have been able to go on all the field trips so far this year! I love that!

We have purposely tried to slow life down since moving and it has been a huge blessing for us.

At any rate, life is good and we are having fun.

We love this time of year when we celebrate the birth of our Savior. This year has seen many unexpected changes for our family. We were very sad to leave behind wonderful friends and frequent contact with our dear families as we moved to Texas, but we have met wonderful people here and we are very aware of the many blessings we have. We have been blessed, watched over and protected in so many ways. We have nothing to be but grateful!

We hope all of you have a wonderful holiday season and we hope to hear many wonderful things from you over the next year!

I will be e-mailing this and posting it on my blog with pictures, if you want to check it out!

Carolyn, Chad, Jer, Jesi, Coy, KK and Nanna

1 comment:

Erin said...

FINALLY!!! An update from the Gardner's!! Your kids are beautiful and they all look like you! (Sorry, Chad).
With all your free time, put down the bon-bons and update your blog!

